Welcome to all the students who have joined us today as well, especially the year 6th. eunans that we are going to talk a little about puberty these chanjets the many changes that are happening in us and in fact let’s see the title here let’s continue with the last one at a time part to hĆi and personal car undher standing miself asigro up I have a question for you I have a question for you important to me segur you know why, why often they don’t tell you and I want to be sure that we didn’t send them for nothing and certain bidlizers who might be worrying you for who might have already seen my video or already made the video once so even that I’ll be on you know when it’s going from this phase of puberty that is to say we are in the time between nai and maybe you know when you are becoming a tanager and you are growing up certain changes are taking place that you are noticing that sometimes you are mortaux hawer and just as you get out of the shower someone tells you that you need to not take hawer again no matter what mine it is because your body it is producing empty more oil then maybe also check your hair because of these new hormones that are starting to be produced by the body and so that you go from a boy to a man and from a girl to a woman there will be many changes but I would like to talk a little about this change where you really have washed really you are still there taking care of your body as a pel but now you start to notice that someone is always following you or you smell hot and you have just been washed so let’s go read back between maybe he is taking the booty he is drunk or he is playing and he is drunk he will never have that it smells like sweat when you grow up and especially in this pubic phase e do already I remind you not everyone enters it at the same age and not everyone exits it at the same age more or less everyone is different but between the ages of nine and sixteen it may be long before you notice this – on the other hand, if you have been watching this video and maybe you have not yet realized about this camping, it is good to know so that then you will not worry and you will know exactly what you can do then the first thing if you used to take a shower when you feel like it now it’s important to take a shower at least once a day at least once a day because it might be because you’re going to football training, it might be going downstairs, it might even be at home and you’ll be you take it down or or you are doing some exercise at home there you have to take it and go again to light the o I mean every time you shower you are important to take a shower it is important to wash well that you use enough water to wash your body everywhere you can with soap but it is not enough I have a basket here I brought it on purpose let me show you what it is used for maybe I heard the tullie and even your family you already have now you want to assemble your set so what they say daiy odirent I saw now dejy udrinz there are many types I don’t want to show dittieda I’m not making an advertisement in truth ddit have they are good but I want to teach you to choose so dey uderint is that spray that cream that rollon ili forget to spray only under your arms every time you take a bath
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