use the numbers when we spoke about the months and the days of the week and the date now we’re going to use numbers to speak about telephone numbers okay so the first character that we’re going to learn is the character ja ja which means family or home it’s all the same character means either family or home it’s the same When we ask for the telephone number, we’re going to learn many new radicals and new words, okay? So, nijá, nijá, meaning knee is you, okay? Ja means family or home, okay? Now, when we say your family or your home, we do not need d, okay? Okay, we do not. need the because family or home is very close to a person so we do not need the particle the okay so me your family your home the now we have the here okay the possessive the Tianhua Tianhua so Tianhua we’re going to learn two new words okay new radicals Dianne meaning electric. So Dianne is anything electric. Khwa means speech, speaking. So Dianne khwa, electric, speech. That means telephone. So Dianne is anything that has to do with electric. Khwa is speech. In fact, this part… this is the speaking radical the speech radical so anything with this radical would have to do something with speech talking okay speaking okay so Tian is electric hua hua is speaking okay so with the speaking radical so nijia
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