Welcome. So today’s lesson is going to talk about coastal deposition. So as you have perhaps seen in the last few lessons, there is a lot of processes concerned with coasts, right? So let’s have a look at the difference. processes. First there’s erosion, then there’s transportation, and then there’s the position. So basically erosion is the taking away of the rock, the transportation is the way the movement actually of the rock of the rock of the material basically, and then there’s the position. Basically the position is the new position. The material is left in usually the position takes place in a sheltered area so that it won’t be affected because actually, if it will be affected by waves, by wind, et cetera, et cetera, then it will then change its position, right? Now, in erosion, we talked about the erosional processes, the hydraulic action, the attrition, et cetera, et cetera. In transportation, we talked about long shore drift, how material moves from one place to another because… of this wash and the backwash, OK? And now we’re going to talk about the position. Why? Because as I’ve mentioned in the last lesson, I’ve said that eventually the material that traveled from one side will then be deposited on the other side. And now we’re going to see the length forms that happen that are formed when there is deposition, all right? When the material, because of long shore drift, changes its place and stays there, all right? So first and foremost, this is some important information that I’m showing you here As you can see, you can see just revise and refresh our memories You can see the headlamps and the base from the image that I’m showing you there, right? And the position happens when this wash is stronger than the backwash Why? Because this wash brings up the material on the beach. If there’s backwash, what will happen? The material will not stay on the beach, so that is why it’s very important and that there is constructive waves involved so that the material will stay on the beach. It will construct something, an inverted commas, on the beach, all right? So these are a few points that the position that we need in order for the position to take place. So first and foremost, we have waves that enter shallow water, all right? Why? Because if there is the beach, and this is where we’re going to talk about the beach, we’re going to talk about the beach. one of the results of the position is actually the beaches and remember when I said that when we have a sandy beach we have attrition why because the pebbles and the rocks and keep on smashing and with each other and breaking into smaller pieces and after a long process after a lot of time we have sand right beaches Bays are the port that is further out, however the beach is the part that touches literally the land so where there’s the sand in this image that is the beach right and beach can be both sandy and rocky so they can be made up of sand and they can be made up of rocks okay and we know that we have number of sandy and rocky beaches here in Malta okay for example Adira Bay is a mixture of there’s a part that is rocky and there’s a part that is sandy right the part where There’s the water further out on the headland near the headland basically that is the bay So the bay is the inland however the inlet basically however The beach is the part where it touches the land the part where there is the sand and the rock, okay? So how are beaches formed? So basically what happens is? The Pebbles the rocks keep on smashing against each other because of its issues