Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to read and write numbers in figures up to 1,000 , using hands-on activities, through a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to read and write numbers in figures up to 10,000, through hands on activities, using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to write numbers in words up to 10,000, using hands-on activities, through a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to round any whole two-digit number to the nearest 10, using hands-on activities, through a Concrete Pictorial Abstract Approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to, round any whole three-digit number to the nearest 100, using hands-on activities, through a Concrete Pictorial Abstract Approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to collect, sort and organise data including tallying and classify data in a table, using the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to read and write numbers in figures up to 100, through hands on activities, using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to recognise the place value of any digit in any whole number up to 1,000 and read numbers up to 1,000, using hands-on activities, through a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to recognise the place value of any digit in any whole number up to 10,000 and to read numbers in figures up to 10,000 , through hands on activities, using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach.
Young mathematicians will have the opportunity to recognise the place value of any digit in any whole number up to 100 and read numbers up to 100, through hands on activities, using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach.