What Should You Expect From This Lesson?

A description of the parts of the human kidney. The role of the kidney in excretion of nitrogenous waste and osmoregulation.

How To Carry Out This Lesson At Home:

This is the second lesson on Osmoregulation and Excretion. In this lesson the structure and function of the human kidney is investigated. The human kidney is considered as both an excretory and osmoregulatory organ.
Excretion is the process that organisms use to remove metabolic waste products from their body. This metabolic waste product is mainly a nitrogenous waste product. Humans excrete urea – a nitrogenous waste product that is produced by the liver.
The liver is involved in the process of deamination. In deamination, excess amino acids in blood are broken down to release the nitrogen part of this molecule, then used to create urea. If urea is not formed the nitrogen part of amino acids will form ammonia, a very toxic compound.
The lesson is found in the pdf document in resources. Go through it step by step and then answer the questions.