What Should You Expect From This Lesson?

I can run a long-distance run (600m) and a sprint (800m) using proper technique.

How To Carry Out This Lesson At Home:

Equipment (if any) Cones & Markers

Brief Introduction We will start by a good warm up preparing the student for long distance and short distance runs. Whilst jogging they will perform mobility exercises and dynamic stretching. Followed by linear marching and skipping and perform a quick feet – slow arm movement on the spot exercise. Enforcing the concept of moving with legs opposite to arms.

1. Doing a number of laps in relation 600m distance – giving a pace for each lap to keep it constant and to have a guide on how much they need to improve overtime.

2. Intermittent runs – amount varies on the yard’s dimensions – working with a 1:1 work to rest ratio – working on the power volume which will increase their performance in the 600m run overtime.

3. Focusing specifically on how they should take off and accelerate and how to increase the stride length as running.

4. Focusing on how to keep top speed for a longer period by having the right running technique and generate the most power from it.

Finishing the session by slow jogging and static stretching.

Skills & Activities W/Up
Dynamic Stretching
Linear Marching | Linear Skipping | Quick Feet – Slow Arms
1. Number of laps (number in relation to yards dimensions) to reach 600m – keeping pace each lap.
2. Intermittent runs (amount in relation to yard dimension) 1:1 work: rest ratio.
3. Short distances runs – focusing on take-off & acceleration
4. Focusing on keeping the top speed throughout the whole 60-80m distance.

Closure Slow Jogging + Static Stretching

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